Paul Maheke, Mutual Survival, Lorde’s Manifesto, 2015, HD video, 17:50 mins, Performers: Jamila Johnson Small and the Tropical Isles Carnival Dance Troupe

Heidi Bucher, Der Schlüpfakt der Parkettlibelle, 1983, Undergarment, latex and mother of pearl pigment, 142 x 55 cm

B. Ingrid Olson, Firing loop, fold, 2017, Inkjet print and UV inkjet printed matboard in aluminum frame, 61 x 40.6 cm

B. Ingrid Olson, Bulb and socket stripped bare, 2017, Inkjet print, and UV inkjet printed matboard in aluminum frame, 71 x 40.6 cm

B. Ingrid Olson, If taken releasing heat, 2017, Vinyl paint, acrylic paint, sand, PVA size, polyurethane modeling board, 48.2 x 29.2 x 3 cm

B. Ingrid Olson, If taken releasing heat, 2017, Vinyl paint, acrylic paint, sand, PVA size, polyurethane modeling board, 48.2 x 29.2 x 3 cm

Zilia Sánchez, Luna VI, 1986, Acrylic on canvas, 90.2 x 119.4 x 12.7 cm

Zilia Sánchez, Luna VI, 1986, Acrylic on canvas, 90.2 x 119.4 x 12.7 cm

Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Transitional, 2016 Plaster and pigment on wood, 100 x 70 x 120 cm

Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Transitional (Detail), 2016 Plaster and pigment on wood, 100 x 70 x 120 cm

Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Summertime Blues #3, 2016, Cyanotype, 186.5 x 125 x 4 cm

Kiki Kogelnik, Untitled (Hands), c.1967, Acrylic on polyurethane, 2.5 x 17.8 x 76.2 cm

Kiki Kogelnik, Female Robot, 1964, Acrylic, enamel and india ink on paper, 73.5 x 55.7 cm

Heidi Bucher, Obermühle, Parquet room nr. 9, 1980-82, Caoutchouc skin, jute, 338 x 266 cm

Alexandra Bircken, Doris, 2013, Wax, clothing and varnish, 24 x 150 x 9 cm

Alexandra Bircken, Doris (Detail), 2013, Wax, clothing and varnish, 24 x 150 x 9 cm

Ana Vieira, THE LADY M.M.T.S., 1967/2009, Wood, mirror, and enamel paint, 100 x 80 x 22.5 cm
The problem with having a body / is that it always needs to be somewhere
Alexandra Bircken
Heidi Bucher
Kiki Kogelnik
Juliana Cerqueira Leite
Paul Maheke
B. Ingrid Olson
Zilia Sánchez
Ana Vieira
The Approach, London
7th April 2017 - 14th May 2017
Across generations and geographical and political contexts, the artists in this group exhibition share a concern with the way the female body occupies and structures its surrounding space. The problem with having a body / is that it always needs to be somewhere suggests correlations and reciprocities between the practices of Heidi Bucher, Kiki Kogelnik, Zilia Sánchez and Ana Vieira in the 1960s and 1970s and recent work by Alexandra Bircken, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Paul Maheke and B. Ingrid Olson. Methods of casting and the direct contact between the body and the material are prevalent in the exhibition, exploring the human scale, performativity and spatiality through movement and physical labour.
Some of the artworks will themselves perform: posing for pleasure, they seem self-aware of their capacity to incite desire and of their status as beautiful objects in the gallery, offered up to the audience for inspection. Other pieces construct the body as a living political and biohistorical archive, an interconnected system traversed by flows of materials, desire and power*. The works employ latex, video, plaster, sculpted canvas, photographic processes, mirror, textiles and wax, to address both haptic and scopic senses, making the visitor subtly aware of their own body moving through the exhibition space.
* (with reference to Paul Preciado, 2014)
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